Hair Removal - Soul of Beauty
Soul of Beauty

Hair Removal


Full Leg & standard bikini line                         €40.00

Full Leg                                                                €35.00

1/2 Leg & standard bikini line                          €30.00

Thigh & bikini line                                              €25.00

3/4 Leg                                                                 €27.00

1/2 Leg                                                                 €23.00

Bikini Line                                                            €17.00

Higher Bikini                                                       €20.00

Underarm                                                           €15.00

Upper Lip                                                              €10.00

Chin                                                                       €10.00

Upper Lip and Chin                                              €18.00

Abdomen from                                                    €12.00

Arm                                                                      €16.00

Eyebrow                                                              €10.00

Sides of Face                                                      €10.00

Back                                                                     €35.00

Chest                                                                    €30.00

Back and Chest                                                  €55.00



For our advanced waxing treatments; we use a hot and gentle but very effective peelable wax specially created for the more sensitive and intimate areas.

Californian                                                          €35.00

Brazilian                                                              €50.00

Hollywood                                                           €60.00



Using only 100% pure cotton thread, you can trust this time tested Asian method of hair removal and you’ll find it’s especially effective for your most sensitive areas like lips, chin and eyebrows.

Eyebrows                                                             €15.00

Lip                                                                         €12.00

Chin                                                                      €12.00

Lip & Chin                                                            €22.00

Neck                                                                      €18.00

Chin & Neck                                                         €27.00


This method of hair removal focuses on stubborn hairs and helps reduce the rate and thickness of hair growth. No other hair-removal solution can claim the success offered by electrolysis treatments. Electrolysis safely removes all types of hair from all skin tones by destroying the growth cells of the hair follicle, preventing treated hairs from growing back.


10 Mins                                                                €20.00

15 Mins                                                                €25.00

20 Mins                                                                €30.00

25 Mins                                                                €33.00

30 Mins                                                                €37.00


Avoid the following for 24 – 48 hours after your waxing:

  • Hot showers, baths, saunas and swimming pools
  • Sun beds or sun exposure
  • Excessive perspiration or friction
  • Tight fitting clothing
  • Fake tan, moisturisers or perfumes.

Refrain from waxing if:

  • You have used glycolic acid, Roaccutane, Retin-A or acne medication within the last six months
  • You are using anti-ageing or skin thinning products for facial waxing
  • You are sunburnt or have been exposed to UV rays within the last 24 hours
  • You have varicose veins


  • Wax on a regular basis, preferably every 4-6 weeks as this will reduce the strength of the hair and in most cases reduce re-growth
  • Do not shave or use depilatory creams in between waxes
  • Exfoliate regularly
  • Prior to your treatment do not use fake tan, moisturisers or perfumes
  • Please inform us if you are pregnant or if there are any changes to your medical health
  • Please don’t be nervous, our team of female therapists are fully trained and perform these service everyday so please don’t feel embarrassed in any way
Soul of Beauty / Hair Removal